Thursday, March 31, 2011

Google Farming Update And You

The word has been out for some time that Google is starting to really ding content farm style web sites on their search results pages. The only concern to some legitimate online marketers that this will hurt their business in the long term. This may be true, but as long as you roll with the punches and move your future marketing to safer and more legitimate sources you should have no problems making it through the transition with minimal traffic loss to your web site or blog.

There are some very popular sites for seo linkers to use that have lost some major traffic since this algorithmic change took place a few weeks ago. Some of the biggest include Ezine Articles and Hubpages. These sites are still valid for link building bu they may not give you as much direct traffic any more. When it comes down to it, these are high PR sites and they are a good place to spread information about your product service or web site. However, proceed with caution and it still may be a good idea to avoid these types of sites for link building for a few months to see what other changes are on the way soon from Google.

Learn more about these changes how Google is changing the game for internet marketers again with the new Google Farmer Update on the main Link Building Ninja web site or on this cool im blog : Free Webmaster Tips

Sunday, September 5, 2010

This SEO Secret Build Authority And Traffic Fast

Don't worry about building crazy amounts of content. Don't worry if you online have one article a week to work with. Don't worry if you don't have a content network to publish to.  Don't even worry if you are not so sure what seo is!

This new Search Engine Optimization Secret can take your website traffic from zero to server melting, in no time. There are many systems that promise crazy results, well this one delivers and it does not even cost a dime to use it.You can start building a huge amount of back links on Other People's Web Sites today! if you want to see how the gurus are doing it, this may be the seo secret you have been looking for and you know what, we have tried it on many of our own sites and it is amazing!

OK, yes there are some big words and promises above, but you owe it to yourself to give this free auto seo link building system a look first hand and see for yourself how easy it can be to get search engine listings for your niche keywords and start getting the traffic you need to produce auto pilot cash online. Every seo guy will tell you that you have to have targeted traffic and there is no better way to get it than building links on relevant sites with your own keywords as anchor text and this is what the secret seo system does, to a t!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Link Building Can Be Easy

Link building is a process, not everybody takes the same stance as we do, but we think that the link building process should be easy. After all we all want to promote our website, if you took the time to build a website we really want somebody to see it right?  There are many crazy techniques and even crazier apps out there to automate your efforts. Well, most of these tools are complete junk and just eat up you wallet.  There are better ways to get the results you are after and most of them can be done very simply.  Just ask the link building ninja and he will tell you this is true!

If you are interested in finding new ways to get more traffic to your site using the simplistic power of easy back link creation then bookmark out blog now. We are going to be sharing all sorts of useful ideas and techniques that anybody can use to explode their online traffic in no time at all. Easy link building is the only way as far as we are concerned. If you are still looking for the next best too, forget it! You are your own secret weapon you just need to learn a few ninja skills first.

We would be glad to add you to our friends, if you like what we are laying down don't forget to follow us on blogspot by choosing the follow option on the right side of this blog!

Cheers and we will see you on the next post!